Religious Education
"The Catholic School participates in the evangelising mission of the Church and is the privileged environment in which Christian education is carried out. In this way Catholic Schools are at once places of evangelisation, of complete formation, of enculturation, of apprenticeship in a lively dialogue between young people of different religions and social backgrounds."
(The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1998)
Religious Education is the foundational element of the Catholic School. As part of the curriculum it allows students at St Joseph's to study topics that are both challenging and formative within the Christian religious tradition. The Archdiocesan Guidelines "Treasures New & Old" provide outcomes that are linked to all Key Learning Areas thus providing a sense of the Sacred in all subjects.
School or Stage Masses and Liturgies are celebrated regularly throughout the year, usually in Our Lady Of Fatima Church.
Parents and Friends are welcome to attend.
The school community gathers each morning for prayer in the Primary playground.
Sacramental Programmes prepare children for receiving the Sacraments - Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Parents are expected to attend the meetings set aside for this purpose.
The Sacramental preparation programme is organised and facilitated through Mary Queen of Apostles Parish office phone 6239 9863. Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.